In viaggio con Disney: i luoghi di Ichabod Crane e Sleepy Hollow
I luoghi di Ichabod Crane e il Cavaliere Senza Testa: in viaggio con Disney alla scoperta della misteriosa leggenda di Sleepy Hollow.
5 Monsters in the Movie “Nightmare Before Christmas”
Discover 5 monsters from "The Nightmare Before Christmas." From the Boogie Man to the monster who live under the bed and the evil clown!
Robin Hood e il Roman de Renart
Robin Hood e il Roman de Renart: scopriamo la storia della nota opera letteraria medievale e cos'ha a che fare con il noto classico Disney.
Hocus Pocus and the Salem Witch Trials
Learn about the real-life Salem Witch Trials and how they inspired the classic Halloween movie Hocus Pocus.
The True Story of Jack o’ Lanterns
With our beloved Disney Halloween movies learn the true story and the legend behind the traditional Jack-o'-Lanterns.
The Origins and History of Halloween
With Jack Skellington learn the origins and history of Halloween, the spooky holiday that's celebrated around the world.
Haunted Mansion: 4 case infestate di New Orleans
Visita le case infestate di New Orleans e scoprine le leggende da brivido, in occasione dell'uscita del film Haunted Mansion.
Personaggi mitologici presenti in Hercules
Hercules: scopri i personaggi mitologici presenti nel film Disney, che hanno ispirato la storia dell'eroe greco!
The Genie of the Lamp – The Mythological Origins of the Jinn
The genie of the lamp: learn about the mythological origins of the jinn, the spirits who are said to live in lamps and grant wishes.
Hades – The Mythological Origins of the Underworld God and the Myths that Inspired Disney’s Hades
Hades and Hera: learn about the mythological origins of the two famous Greek gods and their influence on the Disney movie Hercules.